What To Put In A Christmas Eve Box For Toddlers

items to put in a christmas eve box for toddlers

The Christmas season is magical. Christmas Eve boxes for kids make the festivities even more exciting!

As they eagerly await Christmas day to unwrap gifts from Santa, they get to enjoy some treats.

This is also a perfect opportunity to create memories. The kids will remember these traditions fondly.

Your children will forever cherish the Christmas holidays and the time spent with their families.

So, what goes into Christmas Eve boxes for kids? There are no rules. Putting the boxes together is as fun for you as it is for them to use.

You can get as creative as possible. Also, personalize the boxes for every child based on their interests.

Let’s look at examples of Christmas Eve box fillers for toddlers.

items to put in a christmas eve box for toddlers

How To Make The Best Christmas Eve Boxes For Toddlers

Kids love things that will stimulate them. Both mentally and physically. To get their creative juices flowing and keep them engaged, here is what to start with. 

Craft and Activity Items

Toddlers love activities. Due to their short attention span, it is best to have a variety of items. 

Coloring Books/Pages

Christmas-themed coloring books or pages are available at various stores. The kids get to color drawings of Santa, the reindeers, a gingerbread house, Christmas trees, and their decorations, among other pictures. 


Christmas puzzles will also get your toddler excited. You can buy a jigsaw puzzle, or you can get printable Christmas puzzles on Pinterest.

Christmas Stickers and Pompoms

These will go hand-in-hand with the coloring books. The kids can stick them on the pictures. For example, decorate the colored Christmas tree.

DIY Crafts

You can choose not to buy coloring books and instead make the crafts yourselves.

Put some cardboard, scissors, colors, and glue in the Christmas Eve box.

You can then work together with your kids to draw and cut out some things. For example, a Christmas tree, a Gingerbread house, Gingerbread man.

Then, paint or color the items. Decorate with some stickers, pompoms, or glitter. Fun, right? 

Christmas tree decorations

If you have put up a Christmas tree in your house, get some decorations that the kids can hang.

Try and bring stuff with which they relate. For example, a little drum, a train, or an ice-cream cone. If possible, get decorations with their names on them.

Decorative Gingerbread Cookie Kit

Now, this kit covers both crafts and snacks. The kids get a chance to decorate their cookies with the various options in such kits.

Toddler Baking Set

Is your child a budding little baker? A toddler baking set is a perfect addition to their Christmas Eve box.

It gives them the chance to bake their own Gingerbread house and Gingerbread man. It is such a memory that always lasts.


Some Christmas-colored play dough will have them get creative. Accompany the playdough with some cutters of different shapes.

Christmas Sensory Board

For younger toddlers, sensory play makes for a perfect activity item. Take a cardboard and some glue.

Stick various objects with different textures on the board.

For example, a Christmas hat, a ribbon, some pompoms, wrapping paper, a candy cane made with playdough, or bubble wrap.

Paintable wooden toys

You can get these in a store near you. They come as a set of the toy and the paints you will need. Your kids will enjoy this activity.

Christmas Flashcards

Flash the card to your toddler and let them identify the Christmas character. This activity is fun and mentally stimulating.

These activities will keep your kids busy, giving you time to wrap their Christmas gifts or prepare your turkey.


You can’t have a filled Christmas Eve box for toddlers without snacks. Fill up the box with some lovely treats. Snacks to consider include:

  • A selection box of chocolates
  • Chocolate coins
  • Nutcracker Biscuits
  • Fruit snacks
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Rice Krispies treats
  • Chocolate bombs- full of chocolates and marshmallows for their hot chocolate drink.
  • Christmas lollies and candy
  • Marshmallows
  • Christmas-themed cakesicles

Christmas eve box fillers for children

Festive Dinnerware

Your toddler will be thrilled to have a unique mug, plate, bowl, and spoon for Christmas Eve dinner.

Bath and Bedtime Essentials

The night of Christmas Eve is special, and your toddler should enjoy some exceptional treatment.

Christmas-Themed Bath Bombs

Let your little one enjoy an extra-special bath-time experience with these Christmas bath bombs.

Wash Clothes

Get some Christmas-themed wash clothes to make bath time even more fun. You can have a reindeer, Santa, or an elf.


Is it even Christmas without Christmas pajamas? After the fantastic bubble bath, your toddler will wear their new pajamas.

They will still have them on Christmas morning while opening the gifts from Santa.

In addition, consider throwing in some Christmas socks and slippers to complete the look. If you have more than one kid, you might want to get matching pajamas.




The toothbrush could either be Christmas-themed or of your child’s favorite cartoon.


Even though your toddler may not sleep late, they would be glad to have some evening family entertainment.

Movie Jar

Take a mason jar and put a selection of Christmas movies or cartoons that your kid would love to watch. Here are a few of our favorites from Amazon.

Let them randomly pick the movie you will watch from the movie jar. You can decorate the mason jar with a Christmas-colored ribbon and stickers.

Ensure you have hot chocolate served in the festive mug. Don’t forget to top it up with some marshmallows. The microwave popcorn also comes in at this point. The rest of the snacks as well.

Christmas Book

Choose an age-appropriate Christmas book that you can read together with your toddler. Pop-up books are more appealing to younger babies.

Reading a Christmas book helps them learn more about the meaning of the season. Also, you will have the chance to answer all their Christmas-related questions.

A Letter from Santa

This is a letter assuring your little one that they are on Santa’s good list.

Thus, they should expect to find their gifts on Christmas morning. You can find a printable Santa letter on Etsy.

Moreover, you can also add a twist to Santa’s letter. Ask your toddler to write Santa a letter a few weeks or days before Christmas.

If they can’t write yet, tell them you have been contacted by Santa, asking about them.

He wanted to know if there is anything your toddler would like to say to him before Christmas comes.

Santa’s letter to them in their Christmas Eve box is then a response to their letter or request.

Even more, the letter from Santa could come bearing a ‘Nice List Certificate.’ This is a certificate awarded to your little one for good behavior during the year.

Present the certificate to them, and while at it, let them know that you are proud of this accomplishment.

Small Gifts

Small gifts are perfect Christmas Eve box fillers for toddlers as they await more significant presents on Christmas.

A Cuddly Toy

Your toddler will certainly appreciate a nice fluffy toy. They could even carry it with them for bedtime as they await Santa. 

READ ALSO: Best Stuffed Animal for Baby to Sleep With That Is Cute And Cuddly

Teddy bear Christmas


If your toddler likes jewelry, get them something uncomplicated but Christmassy. If you are crafty, DIY jewelry is ideal. The process is so much fun.

Santa’s Essentials

Some essentials for Santa are a must-have in Christmas Eve boxes for kids.

Kids want to be on Santa’s good side. It is their priority to have some treats for him and his team.

Santa’s Snacks

You can have a plate and mug specifically designated for Santa. Actual snacks for him are based on your preferences.

It could be some milk and cookies, a minced pie, chocolate fudge, or some cupcakes. Pick a treat that fits into the Christmas Eve Box.

Reindeer food

Of course, Santa will not be eating alone. The reindeers, too, could have a carrot or some oats. You can also buy “reindeer food” online.

Alternatively, nicely wrap your pet’s food and label it ‘Reindeer food.’

Santa’s Magic Key

If your house doesn’t have a chimney, your little one is probably wondering how Santa will come in. Hence the key!!!

Add the key to your toddler’s Christmas Eve box to assure them that Santa has a way into your home.

A card addressed to Santa

To be sure that Santa doesn’t skip your house, write a card asking him to stop there for your child.

Mention your child’s name to be specific. Hang the card on the door where Santa will not miss it.

To Wrap It Up

As you might have noticed, putting together Christmas Eve boxes for kids is a lot of fun. There are also a lot of choices from which you can pick.

You can develop a theme for your kids’ boxes to make it easier to narrow down the list of items.

Also, remember that each child is different. Therefore, stick to stuff your little one loves.

Your Christmas Eve box fillers do not need to be expensive. If you are low on funds, be creative.

Work with what you have and make it fun for the kids. Tailor it to your budget.

You can also decide to have specific gifts that will be a tradition in your family.

Ultimately, your kids will appreciate your efforts and hold on to those memories.

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