7 Lactogenic Foods To Increase Milk Supply

Lactogenic foods aid in increasing breast milk supply for nursing moms. For a new mother, breastfeeding is not just about ensuring the baby is full – it’s also about connection and bonding.

Therefore, a  mom who feels they do not have enough breastmilk can be depressed and frustrated.

Consequently, the baby will also feel exasperated when they can’t seem to get adequate milk when breastfeeding.

Some mothers have lots of breast milk, while others, like me, struggle with the supply of milk to the point of tears.

Watching my son cry in hunger while trying to suckle his fingers in frustration was just heartbreaking.

I embarked on research on how to increase breast milk naturally at home.  And I found out the solution lies in the abundant intake of lactogenic foods.

Lactogenic foods contain elements such as phytoestrogen and natural plant sedatives that stimulate and sustain milk production.

These are some foods that really helped me increased my milk supply. If you are looking for foods to eat when breastfeeding, try these ones here.


The relationship between flaxseed and lactation has been an object of interest for a long time. So, how does flaxseed aid lactation?

Hormonal imbalance can greatly affect milk production.

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring composites found in plants that are valuable for regulating hormone levels in the body.

I recommend the use of flaxseed for breastfeeding moms due to its ability to stabilize hormonal imbalance.

After bringing the hormonal balance to equilibrium, the high levels of phytoestrogens in flaxseed supports breast milk production.

The essential fatty acids contained in flaxseed are also beneficial for the making of breast milk.

Flaxseed can be consumed raw, although they give better results when budded or grounded to make a delicious meal.

The nutrients from flaxseeds are absorbed by the body more readily when they are in powder form.

I liked adding flaxseed powder to my lactation smoothies or soups.


Oat is undoubtedly a must-have food for any mother whose goal is to increase her milk supply.

Laden with iron, it also helps bring back the blood that you lost during delivery.

With many varied ways of eating it, you can’t really get bored of eating oat. I’d make porridge with it one day or crunch it while I while away the time.

Fenugreek seeds

From being added to stews to blending them in your favorite smoothie, fenugreek seeds are some of the most versatile seeds you can have.
fenugreek and breastfeeding

They are also fast-acting as you will notice a surge in milk production within a week or so.

Being diuretic, be prepared to visit the bathroom for number one quite frequently if you eat them in the seed form.

If you’re a tea lover like myself, having some fenugreek tea reduces their diuretic properties.

The good news is you can actually make the fenugreek tea yourself, you don’t need to buy it. If you’d rather buy it, here is one from Amazon I highly recommend.


Who knew that the good old carrot could be a savior in milk production!

The presence of vitamin A in carrots is not only good for your eyesight, but also for milk making.

Carrots also increase the quality of breastmilk produced.

I stumbled on the goodness of carrot by chance as I juiced to help in the loss of baby fat.

Blending spinach with the carrot gave me a green smoothie that was a double blessing for me – keeping the weight in check without dwindling the milk production.


Asparagus kills two birds with one stone by fighting constipation while rapidly increasing milk supply.

No one wants to experience constipation after delivery. It’s one terrible experience.

I was advised to eat asparagus due it high fiber properties. I was delighted to experience improved milk production as well.


Get your baby to nurse more by changing the flavor of the milk with garlic.

Studies have shown that when a mother takes garlic, the taste and slight smell is noticeable in the milk and some babies love it.

Increased feeding leads to increased production. Garlic can be incorporated in food by mixing it with the onions when frying.

Making a hot beverage with garlic, ginger and honey is not only good for keeping the flu away, but also for milk production. Grab a cup already!

Brewer’s yeast

The use of brewers yeast to increase breast milk is now becoming more popular among lactating moms. This yeast is produced as a by-product of beer fermenting.

Also known as medicinal yeast, it is used to assist in the treatment of digestive, respiratory, and chronic disorders such as diabetes.

It also contains high levels of digestible proteins, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it’s used as a nutritional supplement to regulate blood sugar.

I love cheese and the cheesy flavor in brewer’s yeast was a great motivation for me. In fact, I ditched normal cheese altogether and spread my eggs, spaghetti and greens with brewer’s yeast instead.

I also used it in my smoothie juice and occasionally, cookies. Adding a spoonful or two to your favorite drink is a safe way to enjoy brewer’s yeast.

For those who prefer the tablet form, a daily dosage of not more than 2000 milligrams is thought to be harmless.

A health care specialist should be consulted to help prescribe the proper dosage.

Since fatigue, stress, and anxiety negatively affect milk production, brewer’s yeast helps restore the production by fighting fatigue and invigorating the body.

This increases the vitality levels consequently strengthening the body and uplifting the moods. And who doesn’t want to be in a good mood?

Discovering that it aids in replenishing crucial elements that nursing moms need was very exciting.

That meant it can potentially nurse a new mother back to health while acting as a super lactogenic food.

That I could get Brewer’s Yeast is readily at my local health supplements outlets and online was also a major plus for me. 


The use of lactogenic foods remains the safest and most effective way to increase milk supply for lactating moms.

Despite there being prescription drugs to help with milk production, they are not without side effects.

Most of these cause irritability, mood swings, fatigue and in some instances, depression. This renders them counter-productive in the quest for sufficient milk production.

Breastfeeding is one of the most beneficial and important aspects of motherhood. The importance of breast milk cannot be over-emphasized.

It wholly supplies the essential nutrients in correct portions and gives the baby immunity against a myriad of infections.

Due to its ease of digestion, the baby is protected against constipation or diarrhoea.

There is no scientific evidence that links lactogenic foods to increased milk supply.

However, so many women swear by the above foods. I am one of those women and I know eating foods that contain galactagogues helped me increase my milk supply significantly.


lactogenic foods to boost milk production
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