What To Do When One Breast Produces More Milk Than The Other

baby breastfeeding: lopsided breasts

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Is one of your breasts producing more milk than the other? Have your boobs become uneven? Welcome to the realities of breastfeeding or exclusively pumping.

Most women who have nursed their babies have experienced lopsided breasts, and this is nothing to worry you.

Several women even when not breastfeeding have a variation in their breast sizes. The same case applies to different parts of our bodies. This could be our ear sizes, eyes, or even fingers.

I do have a really clear difference in the size of my legs and anyone that looks at me keenly will notice it. One reason why I’m always in long skirts and trousers! Lol…

But that is the asymmetry of life!

For a new mom, however, I know this can feel uncomfortable and I’m here to help your slacker boob catch up with your other breast that produces more milk.

So, to alleviate the stresses for you, I have lovingly compiled for you some tips to help you fix lopsided breasts. Now breathe, relax and grab a cuppa…

what do if one breast produces more milk than the other

But before then, let’s look at why you have an uneven milk supply in your breasts.

Here Is Why One Breast Produces More Milk Than The Other

It’s sometimes normal

It’s absolutely normal for one breast to produce more milk than the other and even have a better milk flow. Most of the time, the breast that is producing more milk is the one your baby prefers.

Another reason your breast may have a higher milk output than the other could be a result of the difference in shape and size. A breast that has an inverted or flat nipple may make it difficult for the baby to properly latch and thus, he will end up preferring one side.

Also Read: Can You Overfeed a Breastfed Baby?

Anatomical discrepancies

It’s common for nursing moms to have one breast that has different sized milk ducts and alveoli than the other one.

Often, this is most prevalent on the left side, but can be on the right side as well. So naturally, one of the breasts will produce more milk than the other one.

In other cases, some moms will have differences in the size and shape of their nipples. This will make one side easier for the baby to latch on to than the other one.

A mother’s preference for one side

A mom may often offer one side more than the other because it feels more comfortable nursing.

If you are a first-time mom struggling with breastfeeding, you will realize that you tend to nurse your baby from the most comfortable side.(I am guilty of breastfeeding my baby on my right side)

However, this could be a sign that you are still struggling with proper latching. It’s important to talk to your lactation consultant if this is the case.

Baby prefers one side

If your baby loves to feed from one breast, then that one breast will produce more milk than the other. Breastfeeding is a matter of demand and supply.

Since you are nursing on one side, milk output on that breast will be higher than on the other breast.

Breast Injuries

If you have ever had a previous injury or operation on one breast, the injured breast may have a problem with milk production. Talk to your lactation consultant if that’s the case.

It could be mastitis

If you are suffering from mastitis, you may notice a drop in milk production in the breast that’s affected.  In addition, your baby may not feed well from the affected breast as the milk will have a different taste from what they are used to.

Variation in Letdown

Sometimes, the breasts will release milk differently. One breast may have a fast letdown with the other one having a slow letdown.

A fast letdown may cause a problem to the baby when swallowing, who then may prefer the other side. On the other hand, a slow letdown may be frustrating to your baby.

Lopsided Breast From Breastfeeding?  11 Ways To Fix Uneven Milk Supply

Is one breast producing less milk than the other? Are you worried about it? If a slacker boob, doesn’t bother you, it’s okay to leave it that way. However, I feel most moms will get concerned over a lazy boob, I too was. Honestly, I felt weird.

I had to look for ways to help me deal with the issue of one breast producing more milk than the other. Here are some things that worked for me and I hope they will work for you as well.

It’s important, though, not to focus too much on the lopsided breast and forget about the other breast that is producing more milk as this may expose you to clogged milk ducts or mastitis.

Start on your slacker boob

Milk production increases with demand. Therefore, you need to increase the demand on the slacker boob.

One of the best ways to fix a lopsided breast (when one breast produces more milk than the other), is to start breastfeeding on the smaller breast.

For this to be effective, you will need to start breastfeeding your baby when he is not extremely hungry. This way, they will be less fussy and will suckle through the slow letdown.

Alternatively, you can breastfeed the baby when he is sleepy or during night feeds on the slacker boob. The suckling will stimulate your slow milk ducts which will in turn help in producing more milk.

Power pumping the lazy boob to increase milk supply

You can correct the unequal milk production by power pumping on the breast that produces less milk.

Start by breastfeeding your baby normally. Once done, you can then start power pumping.

Below is a power pumping schedule. Notice it is the conventional power pumping schedule used, only this time, you will be pumping one breast.

Here is how it works:

  • Pump for 20 minutes
  • Rest for 10 minutes
  • Pump for 10 Minutes
  • Rest for 10 minutes
  • Pump for 10 minutes

This strategy will signal your lazy breast to produce more milk so as to catch up with the other breast.

Ensure your baby is properly latched

The position of your baby on the breast ensures there is proper milk stimulation which increases the supply of milk on the breast that is producing less milk.

If you are struggling with the right “latch-on” techniques, then you need more guidance and support on how to do it. Check out this inexpensive but highly informative online course The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class.

PS: I purchased all the milkology courses when I was breastfeeding and they were 1001 times worth the little money I spent on them. 

Try different nursing positions

If you or your baby prefer to nurse on one breast, then it might be your nursing position. Try different nursing positions and find that one comfortable spot for both of you.

It could improve by simply changing from feeding on the bed to a more comfortable position for both of you.

I’d recommend you breastfeed your baby on a comfortable nursery glider. You may want to head over to Amazon and pick from their wide selection of nursery gliders.

However, this is what I suggest you get. Because it is what I have used and I know you will love it too.
chair: lopsided breasts

Breastfeeding reminder clips

My friend mentioned breastfeeding reminder clips when I talked to her about my slacker boob.

I had never heard about them and I was a little skeptical.

But eventually, I did buy them and I can’t rave enough about how these tiny little things have been practical.

Breastfeeding while taking care of a toddler, being a work-at-home mom, and taking care of the home isn’t easy, and often, I’d find myself forgetting what breast I had nursed my baby last.

This could be a reason why one breast is fuller than the other for nursing moms.  However, after I bought these breastfeeding reminders, I was totally sold.

When the baby is breastfeeding, he can play with the tiny device and improve his grip.  And once you are done, you simply attach them to the side that they just nursed on.

You don’t have to worry about what side they last fed on their next breastfeeding session since you have your breastfeeding reminder clips on you. How cool is that!


Use a breast pump

After each nursing session, try and pump out milk from the lopsided breast with a strong breast pump. You want to completely empty the slacker boob to prompt the body to produce more milk.

Pump for about 10 minutes only. If you are exclusively pumping, pump longer on the lazy boob. If you are looking for a strong breast pump, I recommend the Spectra Baby USA – S2 Plus Premier Electric Breast Pump. (Read my in-depth spectra S1 vs S2 comparison here)
Best breast pump

Drink more water

Water is important, but for a breastfeeding mom, it’s more important. Always have some water close by to sip as you nurse your baby. Good hydration will allow milk to flow faster on the breast that produces less milk.

I prefer using water bottles in the house to drink water from as I can carry them around.

The good thing about using a water bottle for me in the house is that I don’t have to deal with spilled water or broken glasses when my toddler decides to throw tantrums.

Lactation smoothies to increase milk production

If you can’t stand water, you can try drinking breastfeeding smoothies that contain galactagogue. Galactagogues are substances that help in boosting milk production. Some are naturally occurring in our everyday foods, while others are medically prescribed. I suggest you go with the former.

Warm-up your breast

Heat on your breast will help increase milk supply. Placing a heating pad or a heat pack on your slacker boob will help stimulate your milk ducts to produce extra milk thus increasing your milk flow. Grab this cute hands-free heating pad from Amazon.

You can also try taking a hot shower right before nursing your baby. While at it, make sure to focus the water flow on your breast that is producing less milk.

Massage the breasts with your hands

Breast massage stimulates the milk ducts leading to increased milk flow.  This also works to clear blocked milk ducts.

Gently massage the lopsided breast before, during, and after your breastfeeding sessions.

Feed your baby on demand

I know this may not be possible for some moms, but try all you can to feed your little one when nature demands. Do not delay or postpone your baby’s feeding times. You can use baby slings or wraps that free up your hands if you want to multitask.

I know sometimes you may be hard-pressed for even a few minutes of breastfeeding your little one and it may feel like one of those tiring chores, but hang in there mom.

Been there and I know how you feel. Babies are only babies for such a short while, so just enjoy the phase. It will be over before you realize it.

What if my newborn won’t nurse from one side completely?

If your newborn has refused to nurse on one side, I recommend you talk to your doctor about it so that he may check for any birth injuries. A baby may have a defect that may have gone unnoticed at birth which causes him discomfort when he’s put in some nursing positions.

Reasons why baby suddenly refuses to nurse on one side

If your baby suddenly won’t nurse from one side, he’s probably suffering from an ear infection, a sore immunization, an injury that is making breastfeeding from that side painful, or a breast infection on that particular side that’s making breast milk taste weird.

It could also be you have a lower or faster letdown on that side which is making nursing difficult for your little one. Some babies prefer a fast let down, others want a slow let down. Babies are just complicated little beings!

Now, if you still can’t put a finger on why your baby suddenly refuses to breastfeed on one side, then it’s time to talk to your doctor.

Does baby get enough milk if one breast produces less milk than the other?

What if all fails and your slacker boob is still producing less milk? The good news is that you need not kill yourself with worry. Your baby will get enough milk that meets all his nutritional needs as long as you let him breastfeed on demand.

Since one breast produces more milk than the other, it is producing enough milk to compensate for the lopsided breast.

However, there will be a difference in your breast size. This may be noticeable, but can be fixed with extra breast pads. Once the baby weans, your breasts will get back to their normal size.


Every mom has a unique story to tell about their breastfeeding journeys, and babies are unpredictable. I hope the above tips on how to fix lopsided breasts when one breast produces more milk than the other will help you.

Sometimes, you just need to look around and you will realize you aren’t the only mom with a slacker boob. The good news is that lopsided breasts can easily be fixed with the above simple remedies.

This may take about 3-5 days for your breasts to get an even size, so be patient with your progress.

Always remember that you are allowed to make mistakes in your breastfeeding journey, and nothing is ever your fault. You are already doing a great job!

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A mom holding a baby




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