Do Babies Have Eyebrows?

do babies have eyebrows?

No eyebrows on your newborn jewel? Do babies have eyebrows? Should I be worried, or is it normal?

Well, to ease your worries: some babies are born with eyebrows, while others aren’t. Both are perfectly normal. 

Each baby will grow eyebrows at different times. Keep reading to find out more about newborn baby eyebrows.

Do babies have eyebrows when they are born?

All babies have eyebrows when they are born. In most cases, babies develop eyebrows in the womb.

A few weeks into the pregnancy, the baby’s hair follicles start to grow. At about 20 weeks, the eyebrows, like all the other hair, will begin to develop.

In fact, all the hair follicles develop while the baby is in the womb– not after birth. 

Some babies are born with distinct, dark, or full eyebrows. For others, you will only be able to see the definition of where the eyebrows will be.

They are usually too fine, light, or sparse to be noticeable. 

A lot of babies start with nothing but a peach fuzz. If you look at your little one in a well-lit room, you might be able to make them out.

do babies have eyebrows?

At what age do babies get eyebrows?

Between 2 to 3 months, most babies have distinct eyebrows.

The hair will start to thicken and you will be able to tell the eyebrow line is coming up.

However, this depends on so many other factors. Some babies will start to develop eyebrows right out of the womb, while others will take a bit longer.

Do babies eyebrows get darker?

Like all things human development, your baby’s eyebrows can either darken or remain as they are.

Your baby’s eyebrow color is usually already coded in their DNA and it takes some time for DNA to fully develop.

Should you be worried if your baby has no eyebrows? 

Not at all; eventually, the eyebrows will become distinct enough to be noticeable.

How long this will take will depend on each baby. Some will take a few weeks; others up to a year or more.

Whether the eyebrows develop sooner or later, it’s normal either way. 

Plus, you need to look at genetics. If mommy or daddy has sparse eyebrows, it could be the reason why your little ones’ eyebrows are not showing yet. 

They might take longer for preemies, but eventually, they’ll grow. 

How to grow newborn babies eyebrows

If you’re worried about your baby’s eyebrows and want to help them out a little, there are a few old wives tricks you can try.

Most use natural products and should be perfectly fine to try. Some of them include.

Massage oils

Using the same oils used for baby massages like coconut or olive oil, you can massage the baby’s eyebrows to stimulate hair growth.

Massage in the direction in which the hair naturally grows. And remember to use food-grade, 100% virgin oil, which is a safer option.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is another natural product that you can use to stimulate hair growth. Simply place it on the eyebrows and then wash it off after a couple of minutes.

With this method, it’s best to avoid lotions or any other aloe vera based concoctions- use fresh pulp instead.

However, you should note that these remedies have not been scientifically tested or proven. You risk irritating the baby’s delicate skin or causing breakouts.

Therefore, it’s important to weigh if those eyebrows are worth the risk. It may be better to simply let nature take its course. 

With that in mind, the best way to grow a baby’s eyebrows is simply to wait for them to develop naturally.

Just focus on keeping the baby healthy and happy. Feeding the little one breast milk or the correct formula may help to speed up eyebrow growth. 

Breastfeeding mommies should also maintain a good nutrient-rich diet to help improve the baby’s overall health. This, in turn, stimulates hair growth.

Here are some suggestions for mineral-rich food to feed your baby to stimulate eyebrow growth. 

Iron-rich foods

  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish

Foods that have Vitamin E

  • Carrot juice
  • Almonds

Vitamin C packed foods

  • Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Fresh Orange juice
  • Cabbage 
  • Peaches 
  • Kiwi fruit


Can I draw on my baby’s eyebrows?

While eyebrows dramatically improve the look on an adult’s face, the same isn’t necessarily true for babies. 

If you are thinking about drawing fake eyebrows on your baby, you may have to reconsider it.

Whether they have eyebrows or not, their chubby faces and cute eyes are enough to give your adorable little baby a face to remember.

Besides, using makeup or any product on your baby’s face may be too harsh.

It can cause the little one to react badly (rash or breakouts) or more severe issues if it gets into their mouth.

If you insist on drawing on the eyebrows, stick to products made for sensitive skin.

Make sure whatever you’re using is FDA approved and washable.

Try not to use markers and pens on your baby’s face; it may cause breakouts. 

Can I use commercial products on the baby’s eyebrows?

They’re a lot of products marketed to grow hair and eyebrows. It’s not advisable to use these products on your baby’s skin.

Most of them have harsh chemicals that can affect baby’s skin horribly.

On top of that, your baby can accidentally ingest the product. (Almost always, a baby’s fingers will find their way into the mouth). 

Suppose bubba rubs himself on the eyebrows and then put his fingers in the mouth; imagine what could happen then. 

It’s too risky to even bother, especially for eyebrows that will grow by themselves anyway. 

What do red eyebrows on baby mean?

You may notice your baby’s eyebrows turning red sometimes. There are two possible explanations for this. 

Reaction to food

If your little one’s eyebrows turn red as they feed, they could be reacting to something in the milk. This is especially true for breastfed babies.

If mommy eats nuts, dairy, or other allergens, you may notice redness around the eyebrows and possibly other parts of the face. 

The red eyebrows usually clear after 10 minutes or so. Try food elimination to identify the allergen and remove it from your diet. 

With formula-fed babies, red eyebrows while feeding may be associated with mild lactose intolerance.

Your baby may also have runny poo (waterier than expected) and gas. Try switching to a soy-based formula if you’re worried.

Remember to consult with your baby’s health care provider before you make any dietary changes. 

Tiredness cues

Another reason your baby’s eyebrows may turn red is they are just tired and need to rest.

Just like yawning or rubbing the eyes, if you see red eyebrows- it’s nap time, or you need to start your bedtime routine a little early. 

If you wait, you may have to deal with an overtired baby. And we all know how hard it is to get them calm and settled in when they’re too tired. 

A newborn without eyebrows sleeping

What if the eyebrows never grow? 

The odds are in favor of your baby’s eyebrows growing in the first few years. But there is a slim chance that they may not grow at all.

If it bothers you or the child that much, you can tint the eyebrows or use permanent makeup options to make them visible. 

Your beautiful baby (With or without eyebrows)

To sum it up, the answer to the question do babies have eyebrows is yes; babies’ eyebrows develop in the womb.

Some are already fully developed at birth, but others will only fill up later on.

It can happen in the first few months or years. For the very few, the eyebrows won’t darken until puberty and may never develop at all. 

Just remember that your baby is still the most beautiful thing on the face of the Earth with or without eyebrows.


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